viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008

A wee window to Cantabria

Sometimes internet is like a nasty window which may show horrible aspects of the human nature but fortunately many other times it’s like a wee window where you can see your colleagues and friends a little bite closer in the distance. Looking at this glass I can see how things are going up there, letting me know i.e. about who won the A2 Winter Series Comps or about the Pilgrimage to “Fointainebleau” or “El Chorro”, or even know how was the rock at Weem. It’s really good to heard about you all.

You might find it ironical but sometimes I do miss training at A2 or spending a nice evening climbing at Salisbury Crags. I guess I did your climbing-holiday-trip in the other way round, from the “sunny” Spain to the “rainy” Scotland (well, these two facts are not always true), it’s seems to me that motivation lay wherever that you are not in, so we have to chase it like in a car race… actually it’s just more or less a state of mind so and imaginary trip might be enough to find it. A picture, an article may be the passage.

Not sure about the sense of this, I’m puzzling myself, let’s talk clear. One of the aims of this blog is to let you see through yours computer screen how is climbing here in Cantabria (North and Wet Spain), this means show to you its places for climbing and about people whom usually I climb with. I’ll try to put some posts in English but some others will be in Spanish, anyways pictures speak a universal language hence we will let them talk.

Welcome to this site, hope that you enjoy the journey.
Note; Pictures in this entry were taken by my brother Pedro and the climber is Reini trying “Wilfrido Morales” a really nice and hard route (8b) at Pared del Eco in Ramales.

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